1. Lets start with the Northern California Digital Library, with member Libraries primarily from the SF Bay Area, Marin County and the Monterey County http://califa.lib.overdrive.com
Allows Digital checkout/loans of eBooks, AudioBooks and music
A Library Card from one of the member Libraries is required. It would be nice to see a wider adoption by Libraries so that maybe a State eLibrary or national eLibary existed
many of the member Libaries Websites list additional eLending options and websites
Participating Libraries |
2. Wikipedia's list of eBook Lending Libraries
places where you can borrow modern and classic time-limited ebooks for free, or for a yearly fee
seems self explanatory, here is the link
3. New York Public Library's "eLibrary" section
(powered by"overDrive" one of the many elibrary service providers)
4. OverDrive eLibrary and eBook service providor has a search page to find eLibraries using their service or look for specific books or Authors to find who has them available via OverDrive